You make it, we simulate it. Call us today! +91 9108404780



Save Time:

Reduce or eliminate prove-outs and save machine tool, operator, and part programming time – all of which decrease time-to-market.

Increase Quality:

Verify dimensional accuracy and optimize tool paths for better finishes on surfaces and edges.

Save Money:

Reduce or eliminate the cost of machine tool crashes, rework, scrapped parts, and damaged tooling, fixtures, and clamps.

Increase Productivity:

Reduce machining times and interrupt production less frequently.

Build Confidence:

Test part programs on a computer so they run right the first time and operators don’t need to keep one hand on the “emergency stop” button.

Conserve Resources:

Reduce machine tool wear. Reduce cutting tool wear so cutting tools can be used longer before needing to be reground or replaced.

Improve Safety & Training:

Train programmers, operators, and students without using machine tool time or risking a dangerous, costly collision.

Improve Documentation:

Enable operators and managers to preview all machining operations.

Why VERICUT is Better than Internal CAM Verification

Tool path verification and optimization are two of the best ways you can dramatically improve your manufacturing operation and save money… with relatively little work. You may be tempted to use the embedded verification that came with your CAM system. But be careful — not all verification software is created equal. A single mistake can scrap a part, break a cutter, crash a machine, or even cause an injury! Can you really trust your machining to a “visual check” from an internal program? Ask yourself the following questions, and you’ll see why a verification external to your CAD/CAM system is crucial:

What are You Really Checking?

An external verification system can verify G-codes.
Integrated verification systems are limited to checking the internal CAM file… which is then translated one or more times before going to the machine.An internal check is really just part of the programming process – it does not replace the need for real simulation of the post-processed NC code!

Do You Trust Your Results?

External check is more trustworthy.
A CAM system checking it’s own tool path is like a student grading his/her own test. There is too much on the line when you send a new program to the shop floor. Can you trust it to an internal check?

Whose Software is it Really?

CAD/CAM systems often “license” verification technology from other companies.
Development is out of their control. Bugs are out of their control. Enhancements are out of their control. If it is developed in-house, only a fraction of development time can be devoted to verification because their business focuses mainly on CAD/CAM software. And, because the product is likely integrated licensed technology, are you going to get quality technical support when you need it?

Can the Internal System Simulate Real Situations?

VERICUT accurately simulates your real machining environment and process!
VERICUT is dedicated simulation & verification software, and the most full-featured verification solution available. Simulate your exact machining environment, including: precise multi-axis and rapid motion, multiple setups, complex tool shapes, holder collisions, fixture collisions, machine kinematics, complex controller functions, etc…

How About Flexibility & Consistency?

Can an internal verification program verify output from other CAM systems?
Using VERICUT enables you to use the same system to check tool paths from any CAM system, as well as manually programmed G-codes.You achieve consistent, trustworthy verification across all your CAM systems. Also… can an internal system check code modified outside the CAM program?

What is Your CAM System Doing?

Using an external verification system does not tie up a seat of CAM software while it’s running.
Your CAM system should be doing what it’s designed for, and what you bought it for: generating tool paths.

What about Additional Capabilities? To protect your investment and improve your machining process, verification must be much more than a simple “visual check.” Can your CAM system do this? VERICUT can:

Simulate entire CNCs to check for collisions…“See” the future! VERICUT simulations are driven by the same control logic and data that drive your machines, so you know that what happens on the screen is what will happen on the machine.

Compare “as-machined” cut part with the original design model… so you know that the part you cut will be the part that was designed.

Optimize tool paths… improve your programmed feed rates so your tool paths are faster, more efficient, cause less cutter wear, and produce better surface finishes.

Export “as-machined” CAD model… close the loop on manufacturing by bringing the as-machined part you cut back into your CAD system for designing mating parts, determining subsequent operations, etc.

VERICUT is a single NC data verification and optimization solution that can be used with ALL your CNC machines and CAM systems! VERICUT is the world’s leading CNC simulation software – used in all industries with all CAD/CAM/PLM systems to simulate NC code, whether programmed manually or post-processed from your CAM system.